Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Spring Business Meeting

April 6th, 2009


Washington High School

Monday,  April  6th, 7:00 pm


Vice-President Rob Noble called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Roll call of the members present was taken by attendance sheet at 7 pm.  Thirty-eight members attended.


The November 2008 minutes were posted on the CRAOA website. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Paul Schuetz, seconded by Mark Murphy, and the motion passed.


The Financial Report was distributed for review. We have $3,613.24 in the bank.  Three bills outstanding: 1/ banquet, 2/ plaques, 3/ banquet speaker.  A motion to accept the report was made by Pat Casey and seconded by Dan Hilby.   A question was asked about the expenditures. All expenditures were explained.  The motion passed. 


Executive Secretary Pinky Primrose then gave the Executive Secretary’s report. It contained 11 major points summarized here. 1) 86 total basketball officials – 55 active members. 2) CRAOA assigned 650 games with almost all officials making their assignments. 3) The combined banquet will be at the Touch of Class on Thursday, April 16th, with Gary Rima the featured speaker. 4)  New officials are still needed. 5) Rules presenters did a nice job. 6) All schools have paid and thanks goes to those who worked their assigned games. 7) Current sign-up for the banquet is 60. Hopefully more will show up. 8) Update Thearbiter with your current schedule. 9) Still 3 people not take the test. See Pinky to schedule a makeup. 10) The sliding pay scale was approved – 55% of varsity pay for Soph and JV and 50% for middle school. 11) Be sure to pay Boone and the Girls Union  for your dues


Pinky gave the report from the Executive Committee which met on March.  Some major topics were discussed. 1) Harry Brown will no longer be training new basketball officials so Pat Casey was selected as the trainer.  2)  Discussed the official who walked off the floor at Holy Family.  3) Discussed the football clinic that will be held in the fall.


Communications:  The only communication was from the officials who are applying for membership.  


There was no old business.


New Business: Harry Brown then gave his report on the applying members. He said there were some problems with tests but overall they were a group of good officials. He recommended advancing Dan Breitbach, Dan Dryland, Brad Jacobs and John Winter to full membership.  Bill Yeisley moved to accept the recommendation, Mark Miller seconded. Motion passed.  The following members are currently on Step I and desire to move to Step II: Charlie Epperson, Mark Groteluschen, Tom Mally, Randy Price, Tom Ross, Marv Trachta, Steve Vincent.  Paul Schuetz moved we approve the recommendation, seconded by Mark Murphy, motion passed. There was one transfer--Nathan Pick.  Harry recommended full status. Mark Murphy moved and seconded by Mark Miller, motion passed.


Information was given regarding CRAOA meeting and test requirements: Officials not meeting these requirements will be dropped from the active roster and placed on applying status.  Ample opportunities are and were provided for officials to take the test.


The following members did not meet all meeting requirements: Willie Guy, Dennis Higgins, Eric Klostermann, Jeremy Kohlhass.  The following members did not take the test: Willie Guy, Dennis Higgins, Eric  Klostermann.



The motion to adjourn was made by Pat Casey and seconded by Mark Miller.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50.


Respectfully submitted by  Matt Miller.