Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Fall Business Meeting

November 4th, 2009


Washington High School

November 4, 2009, 7:00 PM


President Chris Heidelbauer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of the members present was taken by attendance sheet with 25 members in attendance.


The April 2009 Spring Business Meeting minutes were posted on the CRAOAwebsite for review.  A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Mike Mitchell, second by Pat Casey.  Motion carried.


The Financial Report was distributed for review. Steering committee reviewed the books and found everything in order. The current balance on hand $4,532.90. A motion to accept the report was made by Mike Mitchell and second by Pat Casey. Chris Heidelbauer wanted to commend Pinky in the handling of the association's accounts by moving them to the Linn Area Credit Union. Motion passed.


Chris Heidelbauer presented the Executive Committee's report.  Discussion about the possibility of having 4 man crews for Junior High football. Needing to entertain the idea with the area Junior High AD's.          Is there enough members to ful fill this if it took place.        There was also mention that 3 man crews with 2 wing men and 1 umpire could handle this need.  Pat Casey, Bill Yeisley and Chris Heidelbauer were to possibly to meet with the Junior High AD's in the near future and to report back.


Pinky Primrose presented the Executive Secretary's report.       Discussed about a meeting held in Boone with NASO. It was under the recommendation of the Steering committee that CRAOA join for added protection for the organization against possible suits that may arise. Motion by Mike Mitchell, second by Pat Casey. Motion passed.  Banquet to be held at "Touch of Class" on April 15, 2010. With possible speaker being Scott Saville.  Record number of football officials that received tournament invitations with 48 members.  Membership is increasing with approximately 90 football members and 80 basketball members.


Old Business: None


New Business: Bill Yeisley presented his report of the new officials. Recommended that applying members Wesley Felton, Willie Guy, Paul Kerr, Randy Mescher, Keith Rath and Kyle Telecky be moved to full membership. Was noted that Doug Kelley needs to take the test and to attend meetings and that Matt Smith remain at Step II for more training. Motion was made by Pat Dolphin to accept this recommendation and second by Dan Hilby. Motion passed.


Step I to Step II it was recommended that Vincent Able, Chad Bryant, Cal Corrin, Jeff Frese, Chris Kenney, Roman Mitchell, Steve Schaub, Steve Vincent and Doug Wagner all be moved to Step II. Motion to accept the recommendation was made by Paul Schuetz, second by Dan Hilby. Motion passed.


Motion made by Paul Schuetz, second by Pat Casey to have Ben Sorden to remain at Step II due to lack of test. Motion passed


Transfers that were moved to full membership Bob Barta, Joe Miller, Nathan Pick and Kent Sesker. Motion made Pinky Primrose, second by Mike Mitchell. Motion passed.


Motion by Don Haugen and second by Bill Yeisley to waive the members who did not have enough meetings due to letters on file. Motion passed.

Steering committee made the recommendation to fulfill the open officer position with Pat Casey. Motion by Joe Schmall, second by Mike Mitchell. Motion passed.


For the Good of the Organization:

            Members were suggested to add a picture of themselves in Aribter so that some people can put names to faces.

Pinky apologized for the switching of the meeting dates. The original publications had mentioned November 3 but due to this being election day the meeting was moved to November 4 and the date was not changed in all publications.


Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Schuetz second by Pat Casey.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55.


Respectfully submitted by Fred Griffiths.