April 1, 2015


CALL TO ORDER.  The meeting was called to order by President Scott Anderson at 6:30 PM. An attendance sheet was circulated. 36 members were in attendance.  Scott reminded the members that the minutes from the previous meeting were available on the website. A motion was made to approve the previous minutes and was seconded by Matt Friday.


FINANCIAL REPORT.  Cory passed out the financial report and went over it with the members. Primary expenses since the last meeting include staff salaries.  Our income in this period was from fees paid by the schools for officials scheduling services.  Scott noted that we still have additional expenses of banquet and awards remaining in this fiscal year.  (Please direct any specific questions to Chris Heidelbauer, who was unable to attend.)


Cory presented the compensation for next year’s staff that was approved by the Board.  The Football and Basketball Trainers will receive $500.00, the Executive Secretary’s will receive $3000.00 and the Assistant Executive Secretary will receive $1500.


PRESIDENT'S REPORT.  Scott told the members about upcoming round table meeting in Boone  on April 14th. Scott Anderson, Joe Schmall. Chris Heidelbauer, and Fred Griffiths will be attending. Discussion will be about: officiating concerns, training, and how to improve. Scott also told the members that the Board after discussion had decided to continue the Step 1/Step 2 process that we are using at this time. It will give us more opportunities to evaluate people and possibly hold them at a certain step if there are issues.


NEW OFFICIALS.  Joel Duffy gave a report on a list of officials that he recommended move from step one to step two.  These are Adam Walderbach, Brandon Smith, Brenden Drahn, Demarro Walton, Doug Yanecek, Jim Walter Jonathon Morrow, Kirk Watson, Richard Spier, Roland Carroll, Ronald Hartwig, and Travis Fuller.  After discussion, Joel Duffy made a motion to move these officials to step two and Mark Murphy seconded the motion. A vote by the members passed the motion.

Joel gave a report of officials the he recommended proceed from Step 2 to full membership. These include Jeff Koolbeck, Joel Murphy, and Ron Major. Joel also recommended that Dale Morrison be moved from a transfer to full membership. A motion was made to approve Joel’s recommendation and was seconded by Mark Murphy. A vote by members passed the motion.

Joel gave a report on 4 officials to be held at step one. A motion was made to approve Joel’s recommendation and was seconded by Bill Wilson. A vote by the members passed the motion.

Joel and Cory discussed a new on-line evaluation system that Joel created for step one and step two officials. The new system is working well for both the evaluators and also for the new officials. We are planning on implementing this into football this fall.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY'S REPORT.  Cory reported on a number of topics.

The Association Banquet/Social will be held on July 25th. The hope is that there will be great attendance and a lot of family in attendance. Cory advised members to let him know if there were any other fresh ideas for a banquet in the future. (The cost of each member’s attendance at this event is included in their dues.  Additional guests must pay to attend.)

Cory also discussed about a small number of officials who consistently show up late for games and what penalties should be accessed against these officials to prevent this in the future. Cory wants to assess a one game suspension at Cory’s discretion for first offense and probation if this continues. Joe Schmall made a motion for these steps. Cal Norris seconded this. The motion passed by a vote of the members.

Cory stated that the use of Arbiter has been very much improved.

There was discussion about how to spend money left over in our accounts at the end of the year. Here is a list of suggestions:


NEW BUSINESS.  Cory told the members that we will share 200 slots for Hudl access with Iowa City next year. It will cost the association $800.00 for 100 slots. Members will have option of paying an extra $5.00 along with their dues if they want access to Hudl. Larry Walderbach has offered to evaluate crews through Hudl if interested.

Scott told the members that Dave Baker agreed to join the executive committee. Joe Schmall made a motion to accept this, Ron Van Hoeck seconded this and it was approved by a vote of the members.

Cory discussed the parameters for new officials in regard to how many sessions they will need to make with trainers. Right now step one officials need to attend 4 of 6 meetings. Step 2 officials are evaluated more on performance. Both step one and step two officials must work at least six games to advance to the next level.




ADJOURNMENT.  Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.