Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Spring Business Meeting

February 21, 2011


The meeting was called to order by President Rob Noble at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria of Washington High School.  An attendance sheet was passed for all in attendance to sign in lieu of roll call.  Forty-three members were in attendance.


The Fall Meeting minutes were available on the web site and as a hand out for those in attendance.  It was moved by Paul Schuetz and seconded by Sonny Deke to accept the minutes as written.  Motion carried.


Pinky Primrose reviewed the financial information with the membership.  Steering committee met and reviewed the finances.  There is currently $3,017.73 in the bank accounts.  It was moved by Dan Hilby and seconded by Bill Yeisley to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.


Information from the Executive committee meeting on February 16 was shared with the membership.  There were some communications that were shared,  it was suggested that if they would like their concerns addressed to put them down in writing and then action would be taken, to date these letters were not received.  Also discussed possible changes to the constitution that would be presented to the membership.


Pinky presented the Spring newsletter as the Executive Secretary’s report.  The 74th CRAOA Banquet will be held on April 8, 2011 at the Touch of Class with the speaker yet to be determined.  Charlie Porter received the top score on the basketball Part II test with a 95%.  Reminder to update the Arbiter as soon as you can.  Over 640+ basketball games were serviced by the Association this past season by 80 or more officials.  Thank you for your dedication.


Joe Schmall was asked by the Executive Committee to present changes to the CRAOA constitution.  Changes were to eliminate the need to take the Part II test requirement as the test is now online and an official has three (3) opportunities to pass with a 75% or greater.  If someone happens to fail they are still capable of working Junior High games but will not be eligible for Varsity games.  It was moved by Joe Schmall and seconded by Patrick St. John to make the changes to the constitution.  Motion carried.


Jeff Drahozal addressed some additional items to be looked at…

1)       Article 3  Section 8

Replace the word “must” with “are recommended to”

                Motion presented by Patrick St. John and second by Steve Hamilton.  Motion carried

2)       Requesting to have personal information removed from CRAOA website or to have the website password protected.  The steering committee reviewed this request and felt that if there was anyone that would like this information to be removed they just need to submit a request to the executive secretary to have this done.


Applying Members

The following were proposed by Pat Casey to move from Step 1 to Step 2 for basketball:  Peter Eilers, John Morgan, Todd Rabey and Mark Troendel.  Motion by Paul Schuetz seconded by Don Haugen.  Motion carried.


The following were proposed by Pat Casey to move from Step 2 to full membership:  Jay Brandt, Glen Hanson, Jesse Holtan, Jon Jaschien, Dale Morrison, Ron Veersteegh and Bill Yuska.  Motion by Jim Hazelton second by Sonny Deke.  Motion carried.


Special consideration to have Bill Utterback advance to full membership for basketball.  Motion by Patrick St. John seconded by Larry Walderbach.  Motion carried.


The following were proposed to remain at Step 1:  Tyler Albers, Al Barnard, Ryan Eggelston, Darryl Jones, Al O’bannon, Troy Patrick, Brandon Smith and Stephen Wells.  Motion by Chris Heidelbauer second by Don Haugen.  Motion carried.


The following were proposed to remain at Step 2:  Chad Bryant, Jerry Keleher, Dough Kelly, Ron Mescall, Roman Mitchell and Demarco Walton.  Motion by Chris Heidelbauer second by Paul Scheutz.  Motion carried.


Joe Schmall was recommended by the Executive committee to fill the open position for the upcoming period.  Motion by Chris Heidelbauer second by Bill Yeisley.  Motion carried.


Motion to adjourn was made by Sonny Deke and seconded by Tracy Stone.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM.