Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Minutes of the Spring Business Meeting

April 5, 2010


The meeting was called to order by President Chris Heidelbauer in the Cafeteria of Washington High School. An attendance sheet  was passed for members and applying members to sign in lieu of a roll call. Thirty-nine members attended.


Fall Meeting minutes were on the web site.  It was moved by Dan Hilby and seconded by Sonny Deke to accept minutes as written. Motion carried.


Pinky Primrose went over the Financial numbers. The Steering Committee reviewed the finances in their meeting earlier. We have $3,078.54  in the checking account.  It was moved by Paul Schuetz  and seconded by Mark Murphy  to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.


Chris Heidelbauer  went over the Executive Committee’s agenda and reported that they reviewed the financial report, went  over the test scores, reviewed the attendance of the members and discussed the 2009-10 Calendar of Meetings.


Chris  gave the President’s report.  He expressed thanks to Joe Schmall for updating our  Federal I.D. #  and  the State Charter.  He asked the members to go on thearbiter and update their schedules.  Chris  mentioned meeting for Sportsmanship with the AD’s and scheduling of games.  He is working with Lynn Johnson with a meeting pending.


Pinky gave the day-to-day operation report and reminded the officials about the 73rd Annual Banquet  at  A  Touch of Class on Mount Vernon Rd. S.E.  $20.00 for the second ticket. He also asked them to confirm their attendance.   He reminded the officials to get in their registration to Boone and the Girls Union on time.  He reviewed the test scores and announced the high scores.  He introduced  the officials who worked the State Tournaments and Playoffs.  A record number of officials worked in the State tournament.   He mentioned that we will give the Longevity Awards at the Banquet. This year Larry Walderbach will receive a  35-Year Award.  Pinky also reviewed the starting dates of the football meetings and basketball meetings for the coming year.  He reminded the officials that they must attend 3 meetings and new applying officials must attend 6.  Scrimmages do substitute for a meeting.  At this point, we have not confirmed a banquet speaker.  We are on a hold pattern.   Cory Burkle was the top test scorer  this year with a 97. He mentioned the state recognition for football and basketball officials.   


Communications: One of our officials had some problems with a Kennedy Freshman Coach, letters have been exchanged with the AD and hopefully corrections have been made.


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Applying Members:  Pat Casey  presented  the new class for full membership.  He reviewed all the officials, talked about their work on the court, test and meeting attendance.  He recommended the following to receive Full Membership to CRAOA:  Chuck Epperson, Mark Groteluschen, Chris Kenney, Jeremy Kohlhaas, Eric Klosterman, Dan Kuempel, Randy Price, Marv Trachta, Steve Vincent.    It was moved by Paul Schuetz and seconded by Dan Breitbach that we approve the recommendation.  Carried.


Pat recommended that Demarco Walton remain on Step II for the lack of meetings, test.   It was moved by Mark Murphy and seconded by Dan Breitbach  that the recommendation be approved.  Motion carried.


Pat  recommended that Chad Bryant, Jesse Holtan, Jon Jaschen, Jerry Keleher, Dale Morrison, Al O’Bannon, Dara Price, Ron Versteegh, Matt Wagner and Bill Yuska move to Step II.  Moved by Mark Murphy and seconded by Dan Breitbach that the recommendation be approved.  Motion carried.


Jay Brandt, Roman Mitchell and Andy Sauer will remain  on Step I because of lack of meetings and test.  Moved by Dan Hilby  and second by Jerry Winter to approved the recommendation.  Motion carried.


Pat recommended that we approve Steve Allman and Joe Miller  as active members as  transfers.  It was moved by Jack Jaspers and seconded by Don Haugen  that the recommendation be approved.   Motion carried.


For the Good of the Organization:  Larry Walderbach volunteered to help evaluate officials. Dave Stamy asked if it would be possible for a 3rd official for the Sophomore games!  Meetings with AD’s on Sportsmanship are being set up.  Mid-Year-Round-Table was suggested: Goal--Talk over play situation, will start during Football season. Let Chris Heidelbauer know if you are interested in this.  Pinky says everyone gets busy and another night out is tough to get officials together. It was recommended to let Ron Mescall work only  Middle School Games.  Jerry Winter is being recognized by the State as Girls Official of the Year in the State of Iowa!  Congratulations  to Jerry.


Pinky Primrose recommended to drop the following officials from the roster: Jordan Dumolien, Michael Eden, William Harris.   It was moved by Pat Casey and seconded by Dan Hilby to drop the officials.  Motion carried.


Paul Schuetz moved and seconded by Dan Breitbach  that the meeting adjourn.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.


Minutes taken by Pat Casey and Dan Hilby.