November 7, 2016


The meeting was called to order by President Ron Van Hoeck at 6:30.  An attendance sheet was circulated and 25 members were in attendance.


Minutes for the meeting held March 14, 2016 were presented for approval.  A motion was made for approval by Dave Baker and seconded by Fred Griffiths.  Motion carried without discussion.


Ron Van Hoeck gave a short President's report, indicating that day-to-day operations of the Association are going smoothly.  Staff is handling things well and members are working hard to keep issues to a minimum.


Cory Burkle updated the membership regarding the Football season that is in progress. 


Chris Heidelbauer added a few items.


Recruiting conversation continued.


The Treasurer's report is attached.  Motion to accept by Schaub, second by Noble.  Motion Carried.


The following recommendations were made by Bill Yeisley regarding promotion of officials.


A new Third Vice President is due to be elected.  The Board offered a nomination for Steve Schaub.  No nominations were received from the floor.  Motion by Scott Anderson and seconded by Dave Baker to close nominations.  Motion carried.


Additional discussion of numbers of officials in the system at this time.  We listed 101 Football offcials and are carrying 92-96 Basketball officials.  Some are listed, but unavailable do to injury at this time.  Mark Murphy offered up a couple of names including Amy Holecek and Jennifer Lashley.  Chris to followup.


Ron discussed the transition of the Executive Secretary position between Cory Burkle and Chris Heidelbauer and offered his thanks to both.


Motion by Scott Anderson and seconded by Rob noble to Adjourn.  Motion carried.