Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Fall Business Meeting

November 5,2012

I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Joe Schmall at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria of Washington High School. An attendance sheet was passed for all in attendance to sign in lieu of roll call. Thirty Six members were in attendance.

II. Minutes of the Spring 2012 meeting. The Spring Meeting Minutes were available on the website. It was moved by Pat Dolphin and seconded by Jack Jasper to accept the minutes as written. Motion carried.

III. Financial Report. Pinky Primrose reviewed the financial report with the membership. The Executive had met and reviewed the financial report as well. There is currently $5,963.06 in the bank accounts. It was moved by Bill Utterback and seconded by Rob Noble to accept the financial report. Motion carried.

IV. Executive Board Report. Information from the earlier Executive Board meeting was shared with the membership. The committee discussed CRAOA dues and why we have the $5.00 penalty for late dues. It was decided to keep the dues and the penalties the same. CRAOA needs to be able to know the number of members before the season starts so that we can let Arbiter know how many members we will have for the season. The committee discussed transfers and applying members. There was a discussion about Adrain Simonson. A letter has been sent to him and he has been dropped as a member of the CRAOA. They also had discussions about the training of new basketball officials. There were also discussions about rules differences for football at Metro Football and 7thgrade games for some schools. There was discussion among the membership about extra 20 minute quarters after the regular games were over. It was decided that coaches cannot get together and decide to have two extra 20 minute quarters. The athletic directors need to have this decided before the game. Pinky stated also that all of the basketball games are filled except for 20 games at this date.

V. Membership. It was suggested that Jim Hazelton and Charlie Porter be moved to honorary status. Motion for this was made by Dan Hilby and seconded by Jack Jasper. Bill Yeisley made a motion that Gordon Freeman, Greg Gravert, Eric Hoekstra, Boyd James, Bryan Johnson, John Johnson, Shannon Johnson, Drannon Kenny, Kurt Schindler, Jeff Schneidermann, and Dan Thomas be moved to full membership. It was seconded by Jerry Winter. Motion carried.

Bill Yeisley made a motion that Todd Ambrosy, Bill Connally, Mark Murphy, Troy Patrick, Mike Pons, and Noel Wilbur be moved from Step I to Step 11. This was seconded by Bill Ross. The motion carried.

Jerry Winter made a motion to accept David Baker and John BeGuhn as transfers to full membership. Cal Norris seconded this. Motion carried.

Kevin Johnson, Chris Kenney, Tim Nye, Cody Oakes, Kevin Schrader, Adrain Simonson, Kevin Thorp, and John Winter did not meet the meeting requirements. All of these members except for Adrain Simonson called or sent a letter about the missing meetings.

There was some discussion about Steve Cooper. Pinky Primrose stated that he has not been able to contact Steve by phone or e‑mail on numerous attempts. It was decided that he will not be scheduled for any basketball games at this point.

Alec Clark and Matt Smith were applying members to the association. Pinky Primrose stated that they will both be dropped from the association.

Joe Schmall stated that the Annual Banquet will be scheduled for April 10th.

A motion was made to nominate Scott Anderson as the Third Vice President from the football side. No further nominations were received. Motion was made by Pat Dolphin and seconded by Rob Noble to approve Scott Anderson as Third Vice President. The motion was passed with no discussion.

The meeting was adjourned.