Cedar Rapids Athletic Officials Association

Fall Business Meeting

November 1, 2011


I.  Call to Order.  The meeting was called to order by President Fred Griffiths at 7:02 p.m. in the cafeteria of Washington High School.  An attendance sheet was passed for all in attendance to sign in lieu of role call. 20 members were in attendance. 



II. Minutes of Spring 2011 Meeting.  The Spring Meeting Minutes were available on the website.  It was moved by Dan Hilby and seconded by  Tyler Turner  to accept the Minutes as written.  Motion carried.



III. Financial Report.   Pinky Primrose reviewed the financial information with the membership.  The Executive Board met and reviewed the finances as well.  There is currently $4,427.50 in the bank accounts.  It was moved by Jack Jaspers and seconded by Sonny Deke to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.



IV. Executive Board Report.  Information from the Executive Board Meeting on October 25, 2011, was shared with the membership.  Pinky Primrose reported that there were a record number of football officials this year (101) and a record number of members (39) who received play-off assignments.  It was recommended that the mid-season meeting with new officials at Schimberg Co. be continued again next year.  Pinky Primrose also reported that some schools want to go from five (5) officials to four (4) officials for junior varsity games and to consider going from three (3) to four (4) officials for middle school games.  Bill Yeisley will continue as the trainer of new football officials and Pat Casey will continue as the trainer for new basketball officials.  Pinky also referred members to the Fall Newsletter on the website for the balance of his report.  The 75th CRAOA Banquet will be held on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at the Touch of Class with the speaker yet to be determined.



V. Membership.  The following members were proposed by Billy Yeisley for moving from Step I to Step II:  Brad Egan, Gordon Freeman, Greg Gravert, Eric Henry, Eric Hoekstra, Brian Johnson, Johan Johnson, Shannon Johnson, Drannen Kenney, Kurt Schindler, Jeff Schneidermann, Dan Thomas and Steve Vincent.  Motion was made by Tyler Turner and seconded by Jack Jaspers.  The motion passed with no discussion.



The following members were proposed by Bill Yeisley for moving from Step 2 to Full Membership:  Zach Bonar, Sam Burdt, Chuck Epperson, Braeden Garrett, Kevin Johnson, Seth Leonard, Brent Klostermann, John Morgan, Calvin Norris, Cody Oakes and Zachary Ray.  Motion was made by Tyler Turner and seconded by Jack Jaspers.  The motion passed with no discussion.



Bill Yeisley proposed approving the transfers of Jeffrey Downing and Mike Pownell to Full Membership in the Association.  Motion was made by Bill Yeisley and seconded by Rob Noble, the motion passed with no discussion.



Pinky Primrose reported that Jeffrey Downing, Tim Nye, Adrian Simonson, Cody Oakes, and John Winter did not meet the meeting requirement of the Association, but submitted phone calls or letters requesting a waiver from the meeting requirement.  Discussion was held regarding granting the waivers.  The waivers were approved, but the Executive Board will send a letter to Adrian Simonson regarding his failure to attend any meetings for the last two years. 



A Motion to Adjourn the meeting was made by Jeff  Frese, and seconded by Tyler Turner.  Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.