Spring 2006 Business Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2006

President Jeff Frese called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

An attendance sheet was circulated for attendees to register their presence.

The Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting on November 8. 2005 were reviewed.  There was not discussion and Harry Brown made a motion to approve the Minutes and Sonny Deke seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Financial Report

A copy of the financial report was given to the attendees to review.  Pinky read the report and stated that it was reviewed by the Executive Committee.  As of March 29, 2006, the CRAOA checking account balance was $2,690.38.  No further discussion held.  Jack Jasper made a motion to approve the Financial Report and the motion was seconded by Paul Schultz.  The motion carried.

Presidents and Executive Committee Report:  Jeff Frese

Executive Secretaries Report:  Pinky Primrose


Officials not showing up for assigned games.  This is a bad influence on the CRAOA.  Discussion was held on the disposition of officials that are consistently no showing up for games.  Actions discussed arranged from posting their names on the web site to removal from the association.

Old Business

Pat Dolphin reviewed the new changes to the Constitution and By Laws of the CRAOA.  Motion was made by Dan Hilby to approve the changes.  Motion was seconded by Jack Jasper.  The motion passed.

New Business

Harry Brown reviewed the list of Step 2 Officials applying to Full Membership, Step 1 to Step 2 Officials and Transfers: